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TOPIC: Site access

Site access 22 Feb 2025 00:56 #26780

You have wasted "the last few years trying to write a new version of how to repair a Sunbeam", as more than enough suitable and sufficient relevant technical information (not out of date) exists on this website and in several books, for example ;The Bedside book, Official 'Works' Sunbeam 500 O.H.C Instruction Manual, Pitman's ; The Book of the Sunbeam by W.C.Haycraft, Sunbeam by D.W.Munro, Sunbeam S7 & S8 Super Profile by Robert Cordon Champ ; Haynes Publishing Group, plus many relevant articles published over many years in various motorcycle magazines.

What exactly are you trying to prove ? Your wasted effort is akin to attempting to re-invent the wheel. I also notice you to be another Deserter to facebook gossip, and by doing so if, and I sincerely hope not, you are as guilty as other Deserters by your Desertion in that you and they bring about the loss of the SOF Website ; containing ALL the Technical Information one could ever require in Forum Sections, plus maybe an end to the SOF in its entirety. Is that what you are desirous of ?

S.O.F stands for Sunbeam Owners Fellowship . . . Fellowship ; I suggests that yourself and other Deserters look for the meaning of the word in a dictionary. Desertion from the SOF is nothing less than highly disrespectful to the august Fellowship as formed in the 1960's for S7's and 8's


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  • Site access 22 Feb 2025 10:49 #26781

    Hi Joe,
    I look forward to viewing your manual when its finish. I never hurts to have a fresh point of view.
    I didn't see much fellowship in the previous post!

    Best regards Conal

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  • Site access 22 Feb 2025 13:26 #26782

    Conal ; conveniently missing the point of my post. 'Must try harder', as presumably your school teachers and end of term report said about you.

    Do Not lecture me about the meaning of Fellowship as I am doing the best I can to try to preserve it within the Sunbeam Owners Fellowship.


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  • Site access 22 Feb 2025 18:51 #26784

    I don’t think this is the place for bitching in any form. Facebook is here to stay. As said Facebook and this forum provide two views – those serious about working on the whole bike probably use this forum – those who have bought a running bike and only want to change the oil probably don’t need to. If someone has taken the time to decant the info on here then great – they may have the last laugh with everyone asking for a copy if this site does disappear. I have all the books on the Sunbeam – they are mostly copies of each other and mainly give maintenance info – not total rebuild info. And there are many worthwhile mods to make the bike safer and more reliable that you won’t find in the books – I assume these are included in this ‘new’ manual. Over the years I have seen on here many ‘professional’ engineers willing to share their knowledge and ingenuity when working on these bikes – Sunbeaming is and has always been I think for the love of Sunbeams and not for financial gain. No one makes any money from Sunbeams do they?. I am sure there must be a technical way to port this site to the new but it will certainly require admin access. The subscription to the SOF is a fraction of the cost to insure my S7D for the road – I am sure anyone who can afford to own a Sunbeam can find the small amount necessary to join and keep the SOF going.
    I went to the Bristol bike show today and I would say 90% of people there were male and over 50. Young people use social media ie Facebook – if we – the SOF want to get their attention then will need to embrace Facebook and use it to promote the SOF and the forum – we need both. By the way – there was absolutely nothing Sunbeam there except one book which I bought – all the spares are in the back of SOF garages – another reason to join the SOF….

    Safe Beaming
    Fellow of the SOF – Peter.
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    Last Edit: by Peter Brimson.

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  • Site access 23 Feb 2025 18:54 #26785

    Joe Moellers wrote: Well, I guess I'm one that is considering walking away from this website. The $50+ per year I pay to SOF was used to pay for this site, or so I thought. Not that one person was paying for the lot. I have spent the last few years trying to write a new version of a how to repair a Sunbeam. So far, I have built a 300 + page document at some cost in time and money to myself, that I was considering posting on this site gratis. This site was pointed out to me by Adrian at Sunbeams in Oz. It has helped me with many things over the last few years. These bikes are very different in their thinking for the days they were made. It would be a pity to see it die, but as you say, there has been very little available on this site over the last few months. Stuff disappears from Facebook too.
    I will continue with my endeavors and hope sense wins in the end, whichever way it all goes. Hoped to have it done 2 years ago, but close now.

    Hello Joe - look forward to seeing the end result - keep it up!

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  • Site access 23 Feb 2025 19:35 #26786

    "Bitching" PB ? Not on here, keep that for your Farcebook gossip chums. Your Post is 'gobbledegook', I suggest you carefully read several times over what you write and amend accordingly, if you are able, prior to pressing Submit.

    SelWynsel Ps : Have you been able to sell your Sunbeam yet ?

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