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TOPIC: General Rules - Posting information - PLEASE READ

General Rules - Posting information - PLEASE READ 08 Dec 2011 16:20 #3

Hi Beamers!

To post on the Registered and Paid up sections you first need to register and once registration is confirmed drop Rotor or myself a note with your membership number to access the Paid up Section (where the juicy stuff is). Please remember access will be granted for the year while you are a paid member. If paid membership expires you will automatically be converted to Registered member.

When you register:

You gain access to our Members only Chat area as well as the Suggestion Box

If you are a fully paid member not only do you gain access to the area above but also:

Garage Chat: For all your beam problems and questions

For Sale and Wants: Buying and selling Beam parts - and its FREE to use!

Manuals & Docs: Downloading manuals and files.

Rallies & Runs Out: Going somewhere on your Beam? Want some company?

Lots more to come!

General Rules

I don't need to go through a whole rules section, we are all grown ups but no swearing, no slagging and be polite to other members.

If you do stuff we don't like you will be on notice and if you continue we WILL ban you for life! Myself and fellow appointed Mods reserve the right to delete anything that is not in keeping with SOF.

Have Fun

Irish P. :evil:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jack Lord, steve palethorpe, Peter Bird, Ken Catt, ryszard k, Jan Palitis, Tillmann, richard, Janina & Macke Fröberg, Carl and 2 other people also said thanks.
If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem...
Last Edit: by Irish Paul.
The topic has been locked.

  • Sunbeam Special Nut
  • Sunbeam Special Nut

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  • Gender: Male
  • Birthdate: 02 Jan 1969
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